Saturday, June 11, 2011

Book 1: Why Men Love Bitches: From Doormat to Dreamgirl - A Woman's Guide to Holding Her Own in a Relationship

Lets do this ladies! Get the book and start reading! Aim to finish by June 27th when we will meet for our first brunch! Currently taking suggestions on brunch options, I'm thinking hillcrest or something in Del Mar? Check out and other San Diego websites for reviews and prices and post your ideas here. I will make reservations near the event date. We will have a small questionnaire to get the ball rolling, but come prepared with your comments!

Listed below are a few tips since we are new to the book club scene!

1: Read the book - This may seem obvious, but it is the most important step, so it is worth stating. It is a good idea to plan on finishing the book a little earlier than you might otherwise so that you have time to think about it and prepare before your book club meets.

2: While your reading, try to think of a good group question for the brunch. When writing book club discussion questions, avoid questions that are too general, like "What did you think of the book?" Also avoid questions that have yes or no answers. You want to ask questions that are open ended and help people talk about themes and how the book relates to deeper issues.

3:Don't feel obligated to get through all the questions that are on the questionnaire. Lets leave it open and relaxing. The best questions sometimes lead to intense conversations. That's a good thing! The questions are there as a guide. While you will want to get through at least three or four questions, it will probably be rare that you finish them all!


  1. If the 27th is too soon lets shoot for mid-july! we could also do it on a mid week evening/wine bar if needed!
